
Is it Time for HR to Start From Scratch?

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May 2, 2011

Editor’s Note: Dr. John Sullivan has been a provocateur and strategist in the field of human resources and talent management for over 30 years. His specialty is HR strategy and designing world class HR systems and tools for Fortune 200 firms, and he’s never been shy about telling it like it is.

That’s why TLNT asked him to share his thinking in a video series titled “$#*!@ Dr. John Sullivan Says!” Look for these videos twice a week here at TLNT.

Today’s topic: The rebuilding process for HR

“I’ve been at the forefront of saying HR doesn’t need to change 2 percent, but 50 percent or maybe even 100 percent,” Dr. John Sullivan says.”So the question comes up that if we were to blow up HR … what would the new approach be if we started from scratch?”

The first thing he would do, he says, is to declare HR to be a science, not an art, and would manage people with data. “You have to be making decisions based on data and get rid of the art construct.”

He also says that HR should be a consulting function within the organization on talent and excellence, and NOT a department that is stuck with helping people fill out forms. HR should be a value-add in recruiting and talent management, or he believes, they shouldn’t be there.

Dr. John has a number of other pointed suggestions as well, and taken together, they represent a total –and some would say long overdo — overhaul of an organizations’s HR function.

Did you miss the last segment of$#*!@ Dr. John Sullivan Says!” on “What HR is Doing Wrong (And Needs to get Fixed Right Away”? You can see it here.