
3 Ways Gamification Can Improve Engagement

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Jan 17, 2019

Widely implemented and studied in various learning environments, gamification is not a new strategy for businesses. It has nothing to do with video games or consoles; gamification consists of the application of game techniques to non-game scenarios. These game tools are said to increase the engagement of employees and, at the same time, to develop their knowledge in a more efficient way.

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Three major issues can be identified in most companies. Those three issues are hiring, onboarding and employee retention, and learning and development. These matters are all connected in different measures to engagement.


Identifying the perfect fit for a job position is never easy; it takes time and resources, and the future employee might not be as prepared as expected during recruitment. Gamification can reduce the time and unrealistic expectations by transforming the hiring process into a game composed of challenges or tasks.

According to the company’s field of interest, a fictional case can be created. In this hypothetical scenario, the applicants are challenged by placing them in the position for which they are applying for. PwC Hungary offers a good example of this technique. The consulting company implemented a platform called Multipoly that recreates business cases for the applicants.

Onboarding and retention

The onboarding process can also impose different challenges. If unsuccessful, it can mean a less engaged employee or, in the worst case scenario, the loss of the new hire.  It has been reported that 30% of new employees quit in the first six months. Another point to keep in consideration is that millennials especially are not only interested in a paycheck but they also want to feel relevant and valued in the work environment.

Gamification can improve the onboarding process and engagement. By gamifying the onboarding process, the new hire enjoys a boost in self-confidence. This happens thanks to the beginner level tasks, which are the introductory levels that explain the mechanics of a certain tool or task.

In these firsts steps, it is easy to succeed and the resulting rewarding system encourages the new hire. Good work ethics, reinforcement of good behavior, and socialization are all benefits that are brought up thanks to gamification. Moreover, the onboarding process can be personalized and the progress can move along according to the employee’s own speed.

Learning and development

Gamification has already established a track record as a valuable training strategy. Apps like Duolingo and Treehouse owe their fame to gamification. They transformed activities such as language and coding learning into engaging activities. Badges, leaderboards, and trophies are at the heart of both of these apps. Competitiveness is one of the main emotions that are triggered by this type of activity.

Companies are finding that gamifying their training is yielding positive results. Gamification can reduce the time it takes to stay updated, and, at the same time, increase the actual outcome of the employees’ training. The repeated retrieval and the spaced repetition are fundamental characteristics of gamification as a learning strategy. This strategy can be applied for personalized learning  by using different types of tools.

A successful example is the platform used by DeLoitte called DeLoitte Academy. Using gamification principles, this platform encourages and enables members of the executive departments to continuously stay up to date with the trends in the business world.

Even as an underdog strategy, gamification can create excitement and help promote an improvement in the overall engagement of your workers. Engagement is becoming more and more relevant in the working environment. New generations are evaluating their working position in a company according to the sense of relevance and feeling of engagement that they have towards the company. Thus, gamification has become a strategy that, if implemented in the right way, can improve and make your business thrive.