
Best of TLNT: Top 5 Learning & Development Stories of 2020

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Dec 28, 2020

You might think that during the past year, learning and development took a backseat to other challenges at organizations. And, well, you’d be right.

Let’s face it: Despite the usual rhetoric that companies value L&D, the moment they need to cut spending, you know where they look. On one hand, I hate that. On the other, I understand it. When resources are especially limited, you’ve got to cut costs somewhere.

Still, learning continues. Training matters. Development is important. Temporary cutbacks are understandable, but organizations shouldn’t assume that they can ignore L&D for too long.

Here’s hoping to a better 2021 when it comes to allocating resources for professional development. Meanwhile, here are some of TLNT’s top L&D articles from the past year.

The Irrelevance of Generational Differences at Work

The Failure of Time Management Training

Anti-Racism Conversations Should Not Be Easy

Why Soft Skills Aren’t Fluffy

Rethinking Traditional Leadership Development

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