
Countdown to Transform: Sometimes, Great Wisdom Comes in Pairs

Feb 23, 2012
This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.

In all of the writing I’ve done here telling you about the first-ever TLNT Transform conference taking place next week in Austin, Texas, my hope is that I have given you some insight into the quality of the speakers who will be there talking about forward-looking talent management and HR.

Yes, the quality is good, but the quantity is pretty overwhelming, too.

We have a large and deep line-up of speakers who will be sharing their collective wisdom, and in trying to highlight the best of what Transform has to offer, I’ve probably been remiss in not diving down a little deeper into the speaker pool.

For example, here are two more great Transform speakers who have some really interesting and insightful things to say:

These are two more great reasons why you should attend TLNT’s Transform conference — as if you needed any more.

Three more reasons to attend Transform

Statue of rocker Stevie Ray Vaughan in Austin, Texas.
Statue of rocker Stevie Ray Vaughan in Austin, Texas.

Yes, Laurie and Jason are well worth the price of admission to the Transform conference next week in Austin, but you are running out of time to sign up and attend. If you sign up now, you can still use the discount code TF12TLNT when you register to get $250 off the registration fee. Just go to the Transform website and register here.

There are lots of great reasons to attend Transform (besides Jason and Laurie), but here are just three others to consider:

  • You’ll get lots of forward-thinking insights into what you need to succeed tomorrow in talent management (and HR). I’ve attended a lot of conferences, and I can’t think of many sessions that actually helped me better understand what I needed to do to succeed in the future. That’s what makes Transform so different. Whether it be Jim Knight of Hard Rock International talking about “How to Build a Team of Rock Stars,” or TLNT contributors like Ron Thomas, Tim SackettMel Kleiman, Jennifer Benz, the speakers at Transform will guide and challenge you as you in what you’ll need to succeed with your workforce tomorrow.
  • You’ll hear Billy Beane of “Moneyball” fame tell you about the lessons of his innovative (and now famous) talent management system. Brad Pitt may have gotten the Academy Award nomination for playing him, but it is Billy Beane who actually built major league baseball’s famous system that allowed his small-market Oakland ball club compete with the big boys in New York and Boston. “The Moneyball Approach to Talent Management” will give you some practical, real life insights and takeaways you can use in your own workforce tomorrow.
  • You’ll spend two days in warm and sunny Austin, Texas (temperatures in the high 60s and low 70s) out of the office and engaged with other forward thinking talent management professionals in an environment where you can step back and think a little about your future needs and challenges of tomorrow instead of being focused just on what you need to do to get through today.

Sign up now, get $250 off

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: TLNT Transform isn’t your typical talent management or HR conference. It has been carefully designed to prepare you for the challenges and changes you’ll be facing tomorrow and beyond, not just about what you should be doing in the here and now. That’s something you won’t get at most conferences, yet it is something incredibly important if you are going to be ready to succeed in the world we face tomorrow.

But to hear all of these great speakers (and many, many more), you need to sign up for Transform today and use the discount code TF12TLNT when you register to get $250 off. Just go to the Transform website and register now.

If you get to Transform, you’ll hear from sharp experts like Laurie Ruettimann and Jason Lauritsen, and here’s a bit of the two of them here (see below). But to get more and experience all that Jason, Laurie and the other Transform speakers have to offer, you need to sign up today and join us next week down in Austin, Texas.

Time is drawing short, so you need to do it now so we can see you soon in sunny Austin.

This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.
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