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Sep 23, 2013

As reported recently in AARP The Magazine, Millennials (a group that comprises those now in their mid-teens to early 30’s) outnumber Baby Boomers by several million, and their lifestyles may cause you to reconsider how you recruit, select, and train new hires.

To wit:

  • Landlines are out: They sleep with their phones and almost half don’t even bother with a landline. This is why your recruiting message better be available on a smart phone and it would be even better if you had an app. (New vendors like Jobaline are springing up to take advantage of new technologies and turning the hourly recruiting process upside down in the markets it serves.)
  • No more secrets: The Wall Street Journal says Millennials ignore the long-standing office taboo of keeping your salary secret. You can either try to keep the lid on by making your rules clear, screening for compliance to structure, and training or ensure your pay policies are fair, based on merit, and defensible.
  • Driving: The percentage of young people with driver’s licenses has plunged; Millennials drive about a quarter less than their counterparts did eight years ago. This supports the research done by SnagAJob that found the No. 1 key to recruiting and retaining frontline workers is to hire people who live close to the job. (This also applies to every generation.)

This was originally published on Mel Kleiman’s Humetrics blog.