
Making a Back to School List? Maybe You Really Need a Back to Work One

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Sep 3, 2012

Every year right before school starts, I get “school days” nostalgia, especially when I’m being inundated with back to school ads and news segments. Then immediately after, I get a feeling of grief when I remember that summer is almost over.

The last days of summer used to be filled with eager anticipation — that perhaps there were new friends to be made, new teachers to annoy, and most definitely, new adventures to be had.

What could be better than a fresh notebook (in my days) or a newly unwrapped iPad waiting to be customized? Thinking about it fills me with a sense of adventure, like the unmarked notebook that represents a fresh start.

I miss that feeling. Why do kids get to have all the fun?

So, I am making it my personal mission to get that sense of adventure back.

Here’s my “Back to Work” list:

  1. Buy a new notebook and promptly name it “Caroline’s New Adventure.”
  2. Register for a course that will enhance my talent.
  3. Meet and connect with at least five (5) inspiring people. They don’t have to be work related. They could be people who will inspire me to volunteer. I have spent years building my professional network, and one day while I was at a professional conference having a unrelated personal conversation, it dawned on me: I can be inspired by people from all backgrounds, so why limit myself?

What will be on your “Back to Work” List?