
Over the Line: Why Pressuring Employees to Donate Is a Bad Idea

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Apr 3, 2014

I used to work for a woman named Linda, who reported to a woman named Lisa.

I didn’t care for Linda too much, and I cared even less for Lisa.

I thought Lisa was disingenuous, kind of sneaky, and overall not to be trusted.

Perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps she was simply beleaguered and overwhelmed in the way that young managers can be, and being young myself, I couldn’t see it.

An endless cycle of “giving”

In any case, when Lisa got married, the last thing I wanted to do was contribute a portion of my pay to her dowry, and while I tried to pretend I didn’t see that envelope being passed around with everyone’s name on it, eventually peer pressure (actually it wasn’t quite peer pressure but pressure from my boss) got the better of me, and I caved.

However, I resented it big time.

A few months later, Lisa announced her pregnancy, and here comes the envelope again.

Seriously?? My fondness for Lisa had not increased with the passage of time. Once again, however, I caved.

Then came the blood drive, and I put my foot down.

Giving blood is a good thing, I’ll grant you. But I didn’t want to do it. Moreover, I was miffed that my employer felt entitled to shame/bully me into giving.

First my cash, then my blood? No. I’m done.

Pressuring employees to give is a bad idea

Between miscellaneous fundraising campaigns, cookie drives, birthdays, and baskets for broken legs,  I don’t have a lot of love for a company that pays its employees but then finds all kinds of ways to make them give it back.

I donate generously to charity (honest), and I believe in community and camaraderie.

But along with all that, I believe that how an employee chooses to spend her hard-earned money (provided no laws are being broken), is none of her employer’s business.

So, when managers start applying subtle and not-so-subtle pressure to “encourage” employees to contribute to this cause or place money in the kitty for that employee, I have a problem with it. In fact, I consider it a bona fide boundary issue.

You say, “well Crystal, don’t you want a little something when you break your toe or have a baby?

Employers should avoid this stuff

And I say:

First, my baby-making days are loooooong over.

Second, if I break my toe and not even one employee sends me a card or calls to see how I’m doing — well, shame on me. I must be one helluva lousy co-worker.

So no, I don’t think employers should get too tangled up in this stuff.

I believe it’s fine and good for employers to provide opportunities for giving (like during the annual United Way drive), and I believe more employers should consider the benefits of offering financial literacy courses that teach workers how to keep a larger portion of what they earn.

But sending multiple email messages to remind certain people that they haven’t yet ponied up for Frank’s baby shower? Oh heck no.

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