
Whitepaper: 9 Challenges Facing HR in Manufacturing

Sep 25, 2014

9 Challenges Facing HR in Manufacturing Cover (1)We’re excited to announce a new Whitepaper on HR in manufacturing we’ve pieced together that digs deep into the key challenges facing HR in Manufacturing—and what you and your organization can do to confront them.

We broke down the whitepaper into three sections:

  1. The 9 Key Challenges facing the Manufacturing Industry Today: In this section we carefully breakdown the important challenges facing the industry, and why you need to consider them.

  2. Key Strategies and Tips to Confront the Challenges with Confidence: We didn’t want to leave you hanging, so in this section we’ll share critical strategies and tactics that will help you face these challenges head on.

  3. Examples of What the Experts in the Industry Are Doing: We compiled a list of 10 of our favorite companies and what makes them so great. You’ll find some extremely practical tips in this section!

I should also mention that just by downloading the whitepaper, we’ll give you a code to receive 10% off our HR in Manufacturing conference coming up this Nov. 4-5 in Ft. Worth, TX.

After downloading the whitepaper, let us know what you thought by commenting below!

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